Why The Future Education Model is Going to Change Dietetics.

Imagine all the career changers coming into the field that previously felt it was impossible!

One of the reasons I am so bullish on The Future Education Model is that it allows those with educationally diverse backgrounds the option (and chance) to become a dietitian at a reasonably low cost and low time commitment. You can apply to Future Education Model programs with ANY bachelor's degree.

The Future Education Model is encouraging those who are in different careers to go back to school to be a dietitian. I believe this is going to change the field of dietetics because we are going to have dietitians with such different prior experiences coming into the field.

I am a strong believer that the more knowledge from diverse backgrounds you have in a space only benefits that space by making it stronger and more powerful.

Imagine a career changer coming into dietetics through a Future Education program that has a background in economics, marketing, nursing, engineering, etc. This only provides value to the field of Dietetics. Career changing dietitians are going to take their previous experience and add knowledge to the space.

In my opinion career changers hold so much passion — think about someone who is doing well in their career and making good money, BUT they are willing to “give that up” to pursue a career in a field that is calling their name. The amount of passion coming into the field is going to increase substantially, thus increasing the quality of care dietitians provide to you.

The Future Education Model is expanding the field of dietetics and giving those who did not originally major in nutritional sciences a chance.

Barriers are being broken!


What is Supervised Experiential Learning